(QA Environment) Bestellbestätigungsseite / Checkout
Der „Checkout“ UIM-Tag wird auf der Bestellbestätigungsseite verbaut, die am Ende des Kaufprozesses den erfolgreichen Abschluss des Kaufs bestätigt. Der „Checkout“ UIM-Tag wird primär zur Demarkierung von Produkten und Usern verwendet. So kann sichergestellt werden, dass unnötige oder sogar vom User als störend empfundene Werbeausspielung vermieden wird. Ferner dient dieser UIM-Tag auch zur Markierung von „Kunden“ in Abgrenzung zu „Interessenten“, was eine spätere explizite Ansprache/Ausschluss von Bestandskunden ermöglicht.UIM-Tag [Code kopieren]
Beispiel URL
<script type="text/javascript">
window.dprt_data = {
event_type : "checkout", // Please do not change this value.
order_id : "", // Individual order ID (order number/PO number).
order_items : "", // Comma separated list of purchased items.
order_total : "", // Total gross price incl. tax of order items (e.g. "123.45"). Use decimal points "." as separator. No thousands separators.
order_shipping : "", // (optional) Shipping price for the order (e.g. "4.99"). Use decimal points "." as separator. No thousands separators.
order_currency : "", // Currency code corresponding to ISO 4217 (e.g. "EUR", "CHF", ...).
feed_id : "", // (optional) If different from default feed.
uuid_netid : "", // (optional) netID. Omit if not available.
privacy_law : "gdpr", // Possible values: gdpr, ccpa, ...
privacy_consent : "1" // Defines if a consent was given by the user. Possible values: 1 if consent is granted, 0 if not.
<!-- Loading script asynchronously -->
<script type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
window.dprt_data = {
// Mandatory variables
event_type : "checkout", // Please do not change this value.
uuid_netid : "", // (optional) netID. Omit if not available.
privacy_law : "gdpr", // Possible values: gdpr, ccpa, ...
privacy_consent : "1", // Defines if a consent was given by the user. Possible values: 1 if consent is granted, 0 if not.
// Variables for direct-mail retargeting solution
temp_id : "", // (optional) ID of the template in the lettershop
merk4_id : "", // (optional) placeholder for possible future usage
// Variables for online retargeting solution
order_id : "", // Individual order ID (order number/PO number).
order_items : "", // Comma separated list of purchased items.
order_total : "", // Total gross price incl. tax of order items (e.g. "123.45"). Use decimal points "." as separator. No thousands separators.
order_shipping : "", // (optional) Shipping price for the order (e.g. "4.99"). Use decimal points "." as separator. No thousands separators.
order_currency : "", // Currency code corresponding to ISO 4217 (e.g. "EUR", "CHF", ...).
feed_id : "", // (optional) If different from default feed.
<!-- Loading script asynchronously -->
<script type="text/javascript">